OHC is a community action agency: a nonprofit organization supported by the community, and serving the community.
We’re proud to help the people of Northwest Arkansas in a wide variety of ways, and proud of the businesses, individuals, and organizations that help us make this happen.
Community Action Agencies were created in 1964 as a part of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s War on Poverty through the Economic Opportunity Act. The ultimate purpose of the Act was to give an opportunity for upward mobility to those who had been historically unable to participate in the mainstream of American life.
The Economic Opportunity Act state that the basic purpose of Community Action was to “stimulate a better focusing of all available local, state, private, and Federal resources upon the goal of enabling low income individuals and families of all ages, in rural and urban areas, to attain the skills, knowledge and motivations and secure the opportunities needed for them to become self-sufficient.”
See a video on 5 News about propane help for low income families!